Your privacy is important to us

With your consent (Accept), we would like to use two cookies to customize our website. For this we use a tool (Matomo) installed on our server. The anonymous statistical data is neither transmitted to third parties nor used for profiling. Our website also uses Mendable, an AI Chat Search Service. In order to provide this service, Mendable may use cookies. These cookies are used to aid Mendable in offering a better user experience, as well as assisting us in understanding and enhancing the way our website is utilized. By using our website and agreeing to this policy, you are consenting to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy. You can revoke your consent at any time.

Cookie information

  • Technical necessary cookies
  • Statistic cookies
  • More information
Technical necessary cookies

It is a technical session cookie of the software that delivers the website and possibly a cookie that documents your consent.

Statistic cookies

With a session cookie (_pk_ses.1...) we can understand which pages are visited and where there may be problems (so-called aborts).

With a permanent cookie (_pk_id.1..., 13 months) we want to recognize whether you belong to the group of return visitors.

More information

You can find details about cookies here: Cookies

You can find details about the statistics here: Matomo

Privacy policy


Atthene AI Assistant Bundles and API Prices

Atthene AI Assistant Bundles/Suites Prices

Ask about our volume discounts. The more additional users, the cheaper.


10 users or more
Each additional user 19.82 euros/month
Book a consultation
Company playground
Integration of a data source up to 50 MB
State-of-the-art LLM
Support through the platform's own AI, training possible by arrangement

Special for single users

1 user
Book a consultation
Company playground
Integration of a data source up to 50 MB
State-of-the-art LLM
Support through the platform's own AI, training possible by arrangement

Business Bundle
Video Meeting Assistant

10 users or more
Each additional user 26.79 euros/month
Book a consultation
Video Meeting Assistant
Company playground
Integration of three data sources up to 1 GB
State-of-the-art LLM
Connecting crew agents for 95% better results than chatGPT
Support through the platform's own AI, training possible by arrangement

Business Bundle
Process Assistant Chatbot for Service, Sales, Human Resources

10 users or more
Each additional user 26.92 euros/month
Book a consultation
Process Assistant with Chatbot for Service, Sales, Human Resources
Company playground
Integration of three data sources up to 1 GB
State-of-the-art LLM
Connecting crew agents for 95% better results than chatGPT
Support through the platform's own AI, training available by arrangement

Business Suite  
Knowledge base, data analysis, video meeting assistant

10 users or more
Each additional user 29.80 euros/month
Book a consultation
Knowledge assistant
Data Analysis Assistant
Video Meeting Assistant
Company playground
Integration of 15 data sources up to 50 GB
Best-in-class-AI Modelle
Extended support and access to the support platform

Business Suite
Knowledge Base, Data Analysis, Process Assistant (with Chatbot for Service, Sales, Human Resources)

10 users or more
Each additional user 29.91 euros/month
Book a consultation
Knowledge assistant
Data Analysis Assistant
Process Assistant with Chatbot for Service, Sales, Human Resources
Company playground
Integration of 15 data sources up to 50 GB
Best-in-class-AI Modelle
Connecting crew agents for 95% better results than chatGPT
Extended support and access to the support platform

Enterprise Suite
Complete package

10 users or more
Each additional user 35.93 euros/month
Book a consultation
Knowledge assistant
Data Analysis Assistant
Video Meeting Assistant
Process Assistant with Chatbot for Service, Sales, Human Resources
Company playground
Integration of any number of data sources up to 500 GB
Best-in-class-AI Modelle
Extended support, access to the support platform and individual advice

Atthene API prices

For individual and white label solutions.

Small API

5 user contingents*
Each additional contingent* 29.65 euros/month.
Book a consultation
Integration of a maximum of 3 data sources
Adding crew agents for 95% better results than chatGPT
Standard state-of-the-art AI models

Business API

20 user contingents*
Each additional quota* 24.22 euros/month.
Book a consultation
Best-in-class AI-Modelle
Extended support and access to the support platform
Integration of up to 20 data sources
Standard multiple agent systems

Enterprise API

50 user contingents*
Each additional quota* 19.91 euros/month.
Book a consultation
Model adaptation possible
Individual support
Integration of any number of data sources in multi-agent systems with connection options
Individualized Multiple Agent Systems

Costs of Individualization

Development costs per day
All prices are net prices and are exclusive of VAT.
* A usage quota corresponds to 1,000,000 tokens, which corresponds to approximately 25,000 chat messages
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